© Julia Franken, 2022

A Person as a Universe.

Perception of our surroundings, emotions and other people happens through and with our own body. The perspective that emerges from this awareness is as individual as each person: a subjective approach to the world.

In A UNIVERSAL PERSON, one person becomes the representative of all perceivers. Looking at her, the audience is given the opportunity to find themselves in the perception of another person. Taking inspiration from the work of Judith Butler and Gilles Deleuze, Elsa Artmann moves through a repertoire of experiences and states – making herself both a unique universe and a universal figure of identification.

A UNIVERSAL PERSON is the fifth part of the UNIVERSAL series of plays. All the works in this series deal with the effects of social systems of power on human bodies.

Friday, 13. May 2022, 20:00 (Sommerblut Festival / Tanzfaktur, Cologne)

Saturday, 14. May 2022, 20:00 (Sommerblut Festival / Tanzfaktur, Cologne)
Sunday, 15. May 2022, 18:00 (Sommerblut Festival / Tanzfaktur, Cologne)
Saturday, 30. July 2022, 20:00 (Barnes Crossing, Cologne)
Sunday, 31. July 2022, 18:00 (Barnes Crossing, Cologne)

Artistic Direction & Choreography: Carla Jordão 
Dance: Elsa Artmann
Dramaturgy: Dr. Daniel Rademacher
Concept & Sound: Timm Roller
Costume-Design: Noemi Baumblatt
Stage-Design: Dawid Liftinger
Light-Design: Garlef Keßler
PR: Anthea Petermann
Project Management: Sina Langner
Financial Management: mueva Performance – Lena Peters
Documentation: Julia Franken
Design: Büro Freiheit – Daniel Angermann



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