© Torben Otten, 2020


For Michel Foucault, power is a circular, liquid relationship: power as an agreement, a bidirectional relationship, a deal between the participants. The powerful person receives exactly the power that the inferior person grants him or her – until the relationships are overturned and transformed. Power is never fixed, rules of the game apply as long as all participants abide by them, normal is what becomes normal.

In A UNIVERSAL POWER, the overthrow of hierarchies and power relations becomes a constant. Mutual manipulation and rule-breaking constantly transform the newly defined normatives and role models, control turns into water that slips through the fingers of the two dancers. Their bodies and personalities do not remain powerful transporters and surfaces of attack. They are transformed into a single mechanical entity, a socially shaped construction in which they only differ in appearance and manner of acting, but forget to be able to step out of the game.

Friday, 2. October 2020 (tanzFaktur, Cologne)

Artistic Direction & Choreography: Carla Jordão
Performance: Geraldine Rosteius & Jordan Gigout
Sounddesign: Timm Roller
Light design: Wolfgang Pütz
PR: Ellen Brombach
Photo documentation: Torben Otten
Video documentation: Matthias Peters



Supported by tanzfaktur

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